Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Poker face and other Poker terms

Poker is a very simple game, but its simplicity is also deceptive. There are certain terms in Poker that you should know in other to play the game properly. Without knowing these terms, other experienced Poker will instantly know that you are a novice when it comes to the game. It will also be to your disadvantage when you do not know the basic terms in Poker because these are elementary concepts every Poker players should know.

One of the terms everyone always hears when it comes to Poker is bluffing. Bluffing, of course, means faking it, pretending or deceiving other people. This is what you should do when you’re playing Poker. In Poker, bluffing mean you pretend to have good cards while, in fact, your cards are bad. The objective of this strategy is to make the other players think that you have a good hand that they cannot beat. This is a basic strategy of Poker. It is possible for those with bad card combinations to win simply by making the other players believe they have no chance to win, hence making them fold. There are many ways to bluff in Poker, although one usually bet high to create an illusion of confidence with his or her hand. Of course, other players will also bluff their way to the pot so one should be careful.

Another important Poker term is aggressive and conservative play. An aggressive play is when you place an early high bet. The key here is to make the other players abandon their comfort zones. Meanwhile, with an aggressive play, a player places a minimum bet. The player doing an aggressive play folds quickly when the cards are not good. While this is good way to save money, this is not a good way to win a big pot. Also, a conservative player is predictable, as the other players will instantly see if the player has a good hand once he places a large bet. Conservative players are also more prone to be tricked by bluffers. For better results during the game, a combination of aggressive and conservative play is a wise strategy to use. This way, the other players will not be able to see your strategy.

Meanwhile, an action means the amount of betting on a table. When one says in Poker that there is not enough action on a table that means there are not enough money on the line. A tell, on the other hand, are those little clues one gives off that hints the other players of one’s hand. This is, more often than not, subconscious. Of course, you don’t want to let your opponents know how good or bad your hand is, but it is nonetheless inevitable. Of course, this “tells” is different for every player. A keen player should note these things for a more productive play. Also, a player should also try to hide their “tell.” This can be done by playing as stoically as possible. Practicing a poker face can help too, so the other players won’t know instantly what you hand is depending on your facial expression.

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